“SEDA is a voluntary association whose members are usually employed by universities and other organisations. SEDA officers have to act on behalf of SEDA members and in the best interests of educational development. There may be times, however, when conflict of interests make impartial action difficult. The following code has been designed to clarify appropriate action in such situations.”

For SEDA officers and members of SEDA committees – approved by SEDA Executive – 15 September 1998


The formal business of SEDA conducted through its committees and other groups is not confidential unless formally declared to be so by the chair of the committee concerned. Business will be made confidential to protect the interests of SEDA or an individual member in relation to an external body, agency or individual. Papers relating to such confidential business, including the minutes of its discussion, will be clearly marked, and members will observe that confidentiality. 

Declaration of interest

All officers and committee members will declare at the earliest possible stage any financial or other beneficial interest they, or any organisation that they represent, may have in any transaction or proposed transaction between SEDA and a third party. The declaration of such an interest will be made to the chair of any committee in which business they are participating when it is relevant to that business or when they are in any doubt that it might be relevant. It will also be declared in writing to the SEDA Office, who will maintain a register. Members will declare an interest to the chair of the committee if in the course of the business of a meeting they become aware that they have or may have a financial or other beneficial interest in a specific item of business to be transacted at the meeting. 

Personal benefit

Officers and committee members will not use their office for personal gain and will act at all times in good faith in the interests of SEDA.

Breach of this policy

Breach of this policy may lead to removal from office or committee membership or SEDA membership.