A project funded under the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships scheme implemented from September 2020 until August 2023. The project aims to prepare, implement and evaluate a plan for making development of teachers from two universities in Bratislava, Slovakia, holistic and sustainable. This includes preparing curricula of new ED courses, undergoing an international accreditation with SEDA and piloting them with at least 50 doctoral students and beginner teachers. We will moreover design a plan for making student feedback continuously enhance quality of teaching and learning and test the plan with 40 or more courses in two participating universities. We will undertake a study into the impact of the newly introduced ED initiatives and a study evaluating the effectiveness of mechanisms that support pedagogical conversations and informal learning among university teachers. Finally, under this project, we will prepare a strategy for identifying, selecting and rewarding excellence in teaching and start putting it into practice at two participating institutions.
Project partners
University of Economics, Bratislava (coordinating partner)
Comenius University in Bratislava
Lund University
University of Tartu
Staff and Educational Development Association
If you would like more information, please email the project coordinator, Dr. Jaromír Novák mailto:jaromir.novak@euba.sk