Outcome 5
Locate their research activities within wider contexts
Examples could include:
- Contextualising research activity within research groups/teams, departments and schools/faculties, institutional research strategies
- Understanding the role/functions of Research Councils and other funding bodies
- Appreciating the nature of interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary research
- Awareness of the requirements of the Research Assessment Exercise
- Familiarity with relevant government policies and strategies.
Outcome 6
Utilise a range of specialist knowledge/skills related to their research practice
Examples could include:
- Knowledge of sources of research funding eg UK/European agencies and bodies
- Developing research proposals
- Writing grant applications
- Costing applications for external research funding
- Use of specialist equipment techniques to support research practice
- Enhanced skills in using PC packages/C&IT/e-search
- Application of advanced research methodology.
Outcome 7
Demonstrate how their research is informed by relevant legal and ethical considerations
Examples could include:
- Copyright/intellectual property rights
- Patent protection
- Spin-off companies
- Ethical codes of practice
- Health and safety legislation
- Data protection.
Outcome 8
Disseminate outcomes of their research
Examples could include:
- Conference presentation skills
- Writing for publication e.g. journal articles, conference papers
- Developing a research publications strategy including locating appropriate publishers, selecting appropriate journals
- Delivering in-house seminars
- Communicating effectively with the media
- Disseminating findings in ways suited to different audiences.
Outcome 9
Undertake self-management and/or leadership activities appropriate to their research role
Examples could include:
- Planning a research project
- Team leadership
- Developing and managing a research group
- Managing budgets
- Human resources management
- Time management
- Negotiation skills
- Supervisory practice for research staff/PG research students
- Quality monitoring and assurance systems
- Risk management.