In brief, the process for gaining accreditation through SEDA-PDF is as follows (for a more detailed break down of the process click here):
- Contact SEDA to discuss whether SEDA-PDF is right for your institution
- Complete and return the SEDA-PDF registration form
- The SEDA Office appoints a mentor and accreditors to work with you
- Make contact with your mentor who will help you to complete the necessary SEDA-PDF documentation
- An accreditation event attended by the accreditors takes place (usually online)
- The whole accreditation process including the mentoring should normally be completed within two years
- The recognition of your institution and accreditation of your programme are approved by SEDA’s Professional Development Framework Committee, usually for five years
- Individuals completing accredited programmes are awarded SEDA-PDF certificates
- Your institutional recognition and programme accreditation is reviewed every five years.
You can view a summary of the above in our Recognition Process Prezi.