Information Technology and Learning to Learn
Graham Walton and Catherine Edwards (University of Northumbria at Newcastle) explain what the IMPEL2 eLib Project is and, in the light of the Dearing Report, why its findings are important to all HE teachers.
Work-Based Projects: Supporting Students
Jenny Rowley (Edge Hill University College) outlines the special problems to be borne in mind when helping students carry out work-based projects.
“Tell Me How to Get a First …”
Katrina Miller (University of Brighton) looks at the misconceptions underlying her students’ plea to be shown “how to get a First” – and explores the real meaning of scholarly education.
Radical Changes in Medical Teaching
Reg Dennick and Kate Exley (University of Nottingham) describe major changes in the approach of the General Medical Council and some new methods for teaching would-be doctors. Inspiration here for many fields.