Providing opportunities for research and scholarship activities in educational development
Developing SEDA and its members in their research and scholarship capabilities
Raising the standard of research and scholarship in educational development
The Committee’s portfolio of work includes:
The SEDA journal, Innovations in Education and Teaching International (IETI). IETI has a high impact factor and a long history. It concentrates on papers and reviews on research and professional practice informed teaching and learning, and educational development issues, including innovative teaching and learning strategies and developments in technology-aided education. With contributions from around the world, IETI aims to stay at the cutting edge in the field.
Organising and promoting research and scholarship events and activities for the educational development community, including a Writing Retreat
Leading research projects on behalf of SEDA in areas of interest to our members and the HE sector more broadly: see our most recent project, Measuring the Impact of the UKPSF, funded by the Higher Education Academy here.
Liaising with organisations within the UK and abroad that are interested in research and scholarship in educational development.