IntroductionUsing the results of a literature survey and consultancy with a major UK university, thisworkshop will focus on the various personal tutoring models which are currently beingdeployed in UK universities. In particular, the workshop will explore the relationshipbetween personal tutoring and widening participation, retention, the first year experience,on-line and distance learning and Personal Development Planning. It will also explore thebusiness case for investment in this area, and the staff development implications of themodels in use. Finally, the presenter will also summarise his research with a set ofrecommendations for future action which participants can consider in the light of their owninstitutional experience.The workshop is based on SEDA Special 25 and led by Mike Laycock, the author of thatpublication.Aims and outcomes of the workshopThe workshop will adopt an interactive approach which will draw on the experience of theparticipants together with sharing the literature review results and the research work of theworkshop leader. This will provide an opportunity to:
Participants will:
Mike LaycockMike is a consultant working in the field of educational development. From 1971-2007 hewas employed by the University of East London and its predecessor institutions. He hasspoken at national and international conferences, published widely, carried out muchconsultancy for UK HEIs. He is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) andmember of the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) where he has been amember of the national executive and the SEDA Advisory Group. He has been, and still is,an external examiner for a range of universities and colleges.The cost of the workshop will be £95.00 and will include a copy of SEDA Special 25 andlunch.