16 October 2000
Location: London

SEDA One-Day Event

Reflection in Learning and Professional Development Royal Institute of British Architects, London 16th October 2000

Reflection and reflective writing have increased in prominence as learning and assessment strategies, and as techniques for and evidence of professional development. But numerous questions arise in attempts to formalise the role of reflection in the curriculum or in a staff development strategy, including:


Is reflection an activity or a capacity?
Is it just this week’s jargon or a real process?
How does reflection relate to learning?
Is reflective writing the same as reflection?
How should reflection and reflective writing be assessed?

This one day event is designed to give participants:


an overview of the theoretical basis of reflection
directions to further reading
a broad understanding of the uses reflection can be put to in teaching, self-evaluation, and staff development
some specific suggestions to try out
a sense of enthusiasm and interest in reflection
an opportunity to participate in discussion.

Sessions will be led by:


Dr Jenny Moon, University of Exeter
Professor John Cowan, Heriot-Watt University
Melissa Highton, Napier University
Professor Donnie MacLeod and Allan Cowieson, Northern College
Rachel Redwood, University of Plymouth.

The event is being co-ordinated by Dr Shân Wareing, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Format and registration:

The event will begin at 9.45am, with coffee available from 9.15am. It will close at 4pm, after a plenary discussion. The fee for the day is £70 per delegate (including refreshments and buffet lunch) and a registration form can be found here.