This year’s CPD event will be jointly facilitated by Stephen Bostock (Chair, PDF Committee) and Clare Pickles (Chair, Fellowships Committee) With the enlargement and diversification of educational development activity across the sector, after much discussion, SEDA Executive has approved in principle a new three-level Fellowships scheme, to be launched in 2010. The detail is currently being discussed in SEDA’s Fellowships and PDF Committees. Those currently registered for a Fellowship will be able to continue with the current scheme for up to two years. This CPD event will be a review of both the current scheme and the outline of a new scheme. It is a timely opportunity for existing Fellowship holders and registrants to contribute to the development of the new scheme, with an insider’s view. As usual the event will commence at 6.00pm with dinner at approximately 7.30pm.The event is free for all Fellowship holders and registrants and £40.00 for others. Please book for the event via the booking form for the 14th Annual SEDA Conference.