15 July 2005 - 17 July 2005
Location: Ashorne Hill Conference Centre, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire

This three day course is designed for those who have a professional role as educational and academic developers in higher education. This includes HE in FE. It is aimed at those with less than three years experience in this role. Participants may include staff in educational development units, those who have a role in the Higher Education Academy Subject Centres or those responsible for co-ordinating teaching and learning developments in their department or faculty.

The course will be designed around workshop activities and participants will focus on their own work, concentrating on developing the skills and conceptual framework necessary to plan, run and evaluate educational development activities to meet the needs of higher education institutions.

Sessions will be both practice based and grounded in research on learning and teaching. Presenters include Ranald Macdonald FSEDA (Sheffield Hallam University) David Baume FSEDA (Independent Consultant) and Andrew Castley FSEDA (University of Warwick). The workshop element will involve example case studies, role play and collaborative problem solving supported by a range of materials. The course will include an opportunity for small group work and tutorial time with an experienced developer to support action planning. A draft programme will be available from the SEDA website in due course.

The fee for the three day event is £575 per delegate (to include two nights accommodation and all meals and refreshments) – details of non-residential rates can be obtained from the SEDA Office.

For information on the SEDA Summer Retreat, click here

For information on the SEDA Fellowship Support event, click here