This SEDA Summer School is intended for colleagues, whether new or experienced in academic development, who see as part of their role helping their institution to increase and enhance the appropriate use of digital technologies. The Summer School is not primarily about the technologies themselves. Rather it is about the good and critical uses of digital technologies in academic development to support the increasingly digital University.
Participants may work in academic development or learning technology units; as learning and teaching or learning technology coordinators in Faculties or Schools; as liaison between academic development and learning technology; or in other settings and roles where they take some responsibility for helping to enhance academic practice.Framed by the values, core development outcomes and specialist outcomes of the SEDA Professional Development Framework (SEDA-PDF) ’Staff and Educational Development’ award, described at the end of this programme, the Summer School will help participants to:
• Analyse the opportunities and challenges of their current, and perhaps also their next, role(s) in academic development;• Develop both conceptual and practical approaches to their own work; and• Share and test ideas and practices from other developers
All with continuing reference to the contribution of digital technologies to the University and to their own work.
The lead facilitators will be [WEBLINK=5]Carole Baume, David Baume and Sue Beckingham[/WEBLINK]
Methods:The Summer School involves seminars, workshops, small group and private study, action learning, tutorials and mentoring with experienced academic developers and users of digital technologies in learning and academic development. Participants will be encouraged to work on an academic development project they have brought with them. A brief for this project will be circulated well ahead of time. This project can be a topic, opportunity or problem that is of relevance and importance to each participant at the time. There will be time to think!
Full price is £795.00The price for those with a JISC Scholarship is £395
Programme:Day 111.30-12.00 Arrive and register, and receive Kahn, P. and D. Baume, Eds. (2003). A Guide to Staff and Educational Development. The Staff and Educational Development Series. London, Kogan Page and other publications and sources on academic development for and in the digital University12.00-13.00 Introductions: to each other and their projects, the facilitators, the programme and Cumberland Lodge. Start to set up action learning sets, based on each participant’s project, topic, opportunity or problem that they want to work on during the Summer School; what they want to get out of the Summer School 13.00-14.00 Lunch14.00-15.15 What do I try to achieve in my work as a developer in the digital University, and how will I know and show that I have achieved it? A workshop on goal-setting and evaluation in academic development. 15.15-15.45 Briefing on action learning and finalise action learning sets 15.45-16.15 Tea16.15-17.45 Action learning sets facilitated by Summer School staff 19.15-20.30 Dinner20.45-21.15 JISC speaker on current and planned programmes on digital technologies in higher educationDay 209.15-10.45 Higher education and academic development as socially-mediated action – the roles of digital technologies. A workshop exploring, with reference to what is known about what works in teaching and learning and academic development, how the new technologies can make both student learning and academic development more active and more collaborative social processes 10.45-11.30 Action learning sets facilitated by Summer School staff (to include coffee)11.30-12.45 Facilitation in Academic Development in the digital University. Workshop, to includegiving, taking and using feedback; mentoring and coaching; group process; and self- and peer-support in our work as developers 12.45-13.00 Mid-course reflection. Planning how to make the best use of the rest of the Summer School.13.00-14.00 Lunch14.00-15.15 Policy and Strategy for academic development for the digital University. Workshop: How can academic developers work with, and also help to shape, policy and strategy to ensure the best possible student learning, making appropriate uses of digital technologies? 15.15-15.45 Tea15.45-17.00 Beyond digital literacy: Workshop on developing digitally fluency in our students, colleagues and Universities, using results from the JISC Development Digital Literacies Programme17.00-18.30 Action learning sets facilitated by Summer School staff19.15-20.30 Dinner20.45-21.15 JISC speaker on integrating and applying knowledge about enhancing academic development and teaching and learning through the use of digital technologiesDay 309.15-10.00 Show, tell and explore – participants show colleagues some uses they have been making of digital technologies in their work10.00-11.00 Bridging the other digital divide: Workshop on how academic developers and learning technologists can work more productively together at all levels from practice to policy and strategy 11.00-11.30 Coffee 11.30-12.30 Participants reporting back on progress and plans for the next stages of their projects12.30-13.00 Evaluation of the Summer School and planning further development for the developers for the digital University13.00 Lunch and close