SEDA/ICED/University of Greenwich co-hosted symposium

09 June 2025 - 09 June 2025
Location: University of Greenwich

The International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) council meeting is taking place in June at the University of Greenwich in London. To welcome our international colleagues, SEDA, ICED and the University of Greenwich are partnering to hold a symposium on Monday 9th June.

The flourishing field of co-creation in education represents a transformative paradigm shift that transcends traditional boundaries between students, staff, industry, and the local community, fostering a collaborative ecosystem that enriches the learning experience.

The symposium seeks to explore and deepen our understanding of the multifaceted dimensions of co-creation across diverse disciplines and areas of work, including collaborations between academic and professional practitioners , employers, internal and external partners.

We particularly welcome contributions showcasing innovative practices, and advancing scholarly discourse on ethical, technological, and global considerations, ultimately contributing to the ongoing evolution of co-creation as a pedagogical and community-building strategy. These could be pedagogical or action research projects, sharing good practice, or simply reflecting on your experience. We welcome contributions from academic and professional services colleagues as well as students, community and industry or practice partners.

We will accept contributions for presentations focusing on the following themes:

  1. Student-staff partnership and co-creation of teaching and learning
  2. Co-creation of learning opportunities linking students and external partners
  3. Co-creation and internal partnership for student engagement

Contributions may be a 20-minute paper or a 10-minute lightning talk. If you would like to contribute, please fill in the form by 12:00 noon GMT on Monday 17th March 2025. We will let you know by mid-late April if your submission has been accepted.

Gemma Mansi PFHEA, NTF, SFSEDA will deliver the keynote address. Gemma is an Associate Professor in the Vice Chancellor’s office at the University of Greenwich. Her area of expertise is in student partnership, assessment, and pedagogy. In addition, she is a SEDA Executive Committee member who is Chair for the Student Partnership Impact Award (SPIA) and Co-chair of the SEDA Fellowships Committee.

The event will take place at the University of Greenwich, Greenwich Campus.

To follow.

Booking is now open via Eventbrite.

Tickets are £50 per person.