The book contains studies from how participants of an educational development programme offered at the University of Economics in Bratislava and Masaryk University in Brno have integrated acquired knowledge and skills with their pedagogic practice. The chapters are written as case studies of good practice or case studies of problematic issues encountered in the participants’ teaching. Relying on the relevant literature, each case study describes one or two pedagogic concepts that informed the change that the participant introduced in their teaching. The chapters are grouped according to a teaching challenge faced by the author and form five clusters (with two or three chapters each). A commentary by an external expert (educationalist) accompanies each group of chapters to highlight its theoretical and practical implications. The book is thus framed by a theory-to-practice link that is so vital to good educational development.
The book is edited by Gabriela Pleschová and Agnes Simon (ISBN: 978-1-902435-63-3). Published 2018.
Reactions to each chapter can be found at SEDA blog and ALPS.
You can download the PDF of the whole book here.