1 Owning the moment: Expectations, trust and developmental co-constructions in online post-observation dialogue
Stephanie Aldred, Orlagh McCabe, Stephen Powell and Peter Gossman
6 Recognising the therapeutic university: Challenges and opportunities
Virendra Mistry
10 Transforming our students from passive listeners to confident assessors through the introduction of a programmatic approach to formative assessment
Lorna Mitchell
14 The sound of silence – Live polling meets hesitant postgraduates
Nicola Avery and Samantha Borek
16 Hybrid sessions in learning and teaching − What should we be aiming for?
Rosemary Pearce and Sam Barclay
18 From SEDA funding do oak trees grow…The unexpected benefits of a SEDA grant
Shelley Parr, Anita Laidlaw, Stephanie Bull, and Alison Cooper
21 Development of an online resource to promote inclusive practice of medical educators
Selma Omer and Pirashanthie Vivekananda-Schmidt
24 Strategies and tactics supporting institution-wide adoption of accessible, inclusive and equitable educational approaches
Kevin L. Merry
28 SEDA News
A member of the International Consortium for Educational Development