1 Unboxing the Block: Supporting the staff transition to Block teaching
Kevin L. Merry and John Weldon
5 My obituary for SEDA
Dr David Baume
8 David asked three colleagues to reflect and comment on his obituary
Peter Hartley, Mary Fitzpatrick and Helen King
11 What will sustain us in the storms to come: Listening to and learning from the experiences of teaching staff during emergency remote teaching
Donna Lanclos, Gearóid Ó Súilleabháin, and Tom Farrelly
14 Poetry as a pedagogical tool: Unveiling the undergraduate experience
Sam Illingworth and Mala Radhakrishnan
17 Designing mandatory workshops for postgraduates who teach
Hazel Corradi
20 Imposter phenomenon in academic developers: Stories, sparring and solace?
Tom Cunningham, Fiona Kennedy and Tracy Galvin
23 Staying afloat: Designing an academic buoyancy workshop to bridge the gap between study skills and student wellbeing in an arts university
Benjamin Olsen
28 SEDA News
A member of the International Consortium for Educational Development