Page 1: Learning at the heart of the system: communities, values and social processes
Graham Gibbs
Page 3: Am I qualified yet?
Lynnette Matthews and Rachael Carkett
Page 5: Evaluation of a university teaching fellowship scheme…
Rebecca Turner, Priska Schoenborn and Lynne Wyness
Page 10: Disciplinary thinking
Helen King
Page 12: Rewarding and recognising teaching at a research intensive university
Marita Grimwood and Stephen McHanwell
Page 15 Embedding employability: Does it work?
Frances Hill, Bland Tomkinson and Anna Hiley
Page 19 Supporting academic development in the digital university
Daniel Clark
Page 21 Why debate language?
Debbie McVitty
Page 22 Technology in its place
David Baume
Page 24 Reflections of an industrial academic developer
Laura Bateman
The full issue will be available online 12 months after publication
A member of the International Consortium for Educational Development