Page 1: Reflections on the Teaching Excellence Framework
Pam Parker, Elizabeth Cleaver and Yaz El-Hakim
Page 4: Bridges, fires and map-reading: Metaphor as a means of exploring academic development
Colleen McKenna and Jane Hughes
Page 8: Hic sunt dracones – Here be dragons: …
Simon Paul Atkinson
Page 11: Meeting expectations: The challenge of staff development …
Karen Smith
Page 15 The ACU African administrators project
Ian Willis and Brian Jennings
Page 18: Internationalisation in Higher Education: The intentions…
Pollyanna Magne
Page 21: Academic development – A developers’ society
Chrissi Nerantzi and Peter Gossman
Page 23: What has the NSS ever done for students?
Kate Little
Page 25: Can extra-curricular activities help international students create…
Maria Kaparou and Ian Abbott
Page 27: Confessions of a SEDA conference interloper
Gail Hall
Page 28: SEDA News
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