Page 1: Investigating educational developer’s perceptions of assessment literacy
John Dermo
Page 5: Take Two – UK and Canada: SEDA – A personal perspective from an overseas member
Alan Wright
Page 8: The pedagogy of partnership: Six principles of action
John Peters
Page 10: Diversity and inclusion: A challenge to university leadership
Lorraine Stefani
Page 13: Lessons learnt: Blended approaches to academic writing
Sylvie Lomer and Elizabeth Palmer
Page 18: We are where we are: Learning through walking, talking and interacting with place
Fiona Smart and Fiona Campbell
Page 23: ‘Social media on trial’: Using technology to enhance inter-disciplinarity and practice experience in higher education
Denise Turner
Page 25: From a conversation: The what, why and how of Postgraduate Certificates in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Peter Gossman
Page 28 SEDA News
The full issue will be available online 12 months after publication.
A member of the International Consortium for Educational Development