Page 1: ‘I fully understand how we all fit together…’ Introducing SEDA’s Developing Professional Practice Award at LJMU
Helen Bennett, Anne Hogarth, Rachel Kynaston and Carol Maynard
Page 7: ‘Time to develop my career? That’s a fantasy!’ What academics said about their roles and CPD needs and how I tentatively introduced them to professional standards
Julie Hall
Page 11: Graham Gibbs – on learning and teaching strategies, on educational development and on retirement
James Wisdom
Page 14: Can Identifying and Rewarding Excellent Teaching Improve Student Learning?
Dr John Peters
Page 20: Supporting Part-time Teaching Staff in HE: a fire-side chat between Colin Bryson and Tony Brand
Anthony Brand
Page 22: HE Lecturers Researching HE Issues: issues and dilemmas for academic developers
Barry Stierer
Page 24: The First Year Experience: Approaches to Enhancement
Deeba Parmar
A member of the International Consortium for Educational Development