Using Technology to Enhance Learning

17 November 2011 - 18 November 2011
Location: Birmingham

ParticipantsThe conference will be of particular interest to all those involved in promoting effective change in HE learning, teaching and educational development. This includes:

  • Academic and staff developers

  • Lecturers and teachers in further and higher education

  • National and institutional teaching fellows

  • Heads of academic schools and academic development

  • Learning technologists

  • Learner development staff

  • Quality assurance and enhancement policy makers

  • Higher Education Academy staff

The SEDA Conference ExperienceSEDA seeks to create a relaxed, welcoming and positive atmosphere at conferences, which encourages open, constructive and supportive sharing of ideas, experience and practice. Feedback from participants at recent SEDA conferences:

  • “The networking opportunities were excellent as ever. Professional updating and sharing ideas on the conference themes”
  • “The sessions I attended were up-to-date, scholarly, thought provoking, practical – really good”
  • “Good for networking with colleagues. Good range of workshops to choose from and I did pick up good ideas and things to take back and try”
  • “Have come away with some ideas that I can develop and 3 new contacts”

Conference VenueThe conference will be held at the Aston Business School Conference Centre, which is located in Birmingham city centre, just a five minute taxi ride or fifteen minute walk from New Street Station. Fully residential delegates will be accommodated on-site in ensuite bedrooms.

The Call for Contributions is now closedCall for ContributionsThe November 2011 conference, to be held in Birmingham at Aston Business School Conference Centre, will focus on the pedagogy of technology enhanced learning. We invite proposals for sessions which explore the use of technology in teaching and learning, from the perspective of the underlying pedagogy. We welcome proposals for sessions that explore the effective use of all forms of technology, be that via Virtual Learning Environments, websites, telephones, podcasts, videos, audience response systems and more. The focus may be on distance learning, but it may also encompass blended learning and technology supported face to face delivery. We particularly welcome contributions that contribute towards educational development.Session formatsThe emphasis should be on reflection, exploration and evaluation rather than merely describing what is happening. It is also a long-standing tradition at SEDA conferences to encourage and promote sessions which involve delegates in active participation and discussion, and consequently this is an expectation of delegates. Proposals for posters, papers and workshops are invited which address the conference themes.Themes        

  • Creating and using learning communities online with staff or with students
  • Redesigning modules and programmes for use in online and blended learning provision
  • Effective use of technology to enhance teaching and strategies to engage staff in their use
  • Assessing and/or providing feedback online
  • Using technology to engage students in their learning development
  • Using e-technologies for educational development
  • Developing joined up approaches for all staff involved in the support of learning
  • Innovative use of social media

Workshops: (45 or 90 minutes) with the emphasis on discussion of the application of ideas or technologies. Data projectors and free WiFi internet access are available in all rooms, but if any other technology is required, presenters should bring their own. Please contact the SEDA office should you require further information.Papers: (45 minutes) giving an account of research, evaluation, policy, practice or perspectives with the emphasis on drawing out lessons for others and involving participants. Posters (max size A1)/demonstrations: posters will be available for participants to view throughout the conference. Additionally, there will be a timetabled poster session when presenters should be available to discuss the content with conference participants and view technology demonstrations if applicable.  Submitting your proposalProposals should be submitted electronically to SEDA at, using the proposal form , by Friday 13th May 2011. It is normal practice to accept only one contribution per individual so as to provide the opportunity for as many people to contribute as possible. It is a requirement that all presenters register as conference delegates either for the whole event or for the day of their session. Criteria for acceptance of proposalsEach proposal will be reviewed for acceptance at the conference against the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the conference title and themes
  • Clarity and coherence of the proposal
  • Reflection and evaluation of ideas around the future of educational development
  • Contribution to scholarship and evaluation of educational development in further and higher education
  • Clear opportunities for participants to engage in the session, and particularly in workshops to consider transferability to their own practice

Early bird price (before Friday 21st October)Conference fullStandard price (after Friday 21st October)Conference full

Conference ProgrammeDay One: Thursday 17th November 09.15 – 09.45 Registration and tea & coffee 09.45 –10.00 Welcome and Introductions10.00 – 10.45 Keynote Address How far have we (really) come? Helen Beetham10.45 – 11.15 Break11.15 – 12.45 Parallel Session 1

  1. Open Educational Resources Symposium : Developing the inclusive practitioner: a workshop exploring the use of OERs to support the continuing development of ‘professional values’ in HE Christine Hockings View Presentation 1 ; From use to production: evaluating how OERs can best support student learning Barbara Lee and Jenny Anderson and OERs for academic development Jane Hughes and Holly Smith
  2. Digital thinking: working with staff to embed information and digital literacy Alan Masson, Helen Beetham and Catherine O’Donnell
  3. Engaging educators in PG Certs: from content to online collaborative creation Julia Fotheringham
  4. ‘Horses for courses’: a comparative approach to developing staff use of technology   Pam Parker, Sally Bradley, Fran Beaton and Jane Carne View Presentation 4
  5. Employing the 3E (enhance-extend-empower) framework to underpin institutional practice in the active use of technology Keith Smyth and Stephen Bruce View Presentation 5
  6. Using free web-based tools for collaborative e-learning Chris Thomson [WEBLINK=2]View Using-free-web-based-tools-for-collaborative-e-learning[/WEBLINK] and Mirror, mirror on the wall? Blogging as reflection Ruth Ann Smith View Presentation 6
  7. “It takes more than giving me a laptop and the reading software you know!” Approaches to supporting teaching and learning for students with dyslexia Liane Purnell and Sue Griffiths View Presentation 7

12.45 – 13.45 Lunch13.45 – 14.45 SEDA Showcase 14.45 – 15.30 Parallel Session 2

  1. Developing and embedding technology-supported assessment and feedback processes across an institution Stephen Bostock and Matthew Street Presentation 8a Presentation 8b Presentation 8c Presentation 8d
  2. LiveStreaming: for whose benefit anyway? From pedagogy to practice Janet Cole and Nicholas Fernando View Presentation 9
  3. Implementation of a podcasting project targeting key stages of a three year undergraduate programme Jacqueline Nicol and Karen Campbell  View Presentation 10
  4. A learning design support environment; using technology-enhanced learning to support teachers in developing their practice Steve Ryan, Liz Masterman, Joanna Wild and Diana Laurillard
  5. Technology for the untechnical: lessons from a successful educational project involving technology Celia Popovic, Anne Hill and Ruth Lawton View Presentation 12
  6. Making the transition virtually: online learning tools to help international students acquire the study skills and knowledge of academic culture needed for UK higher education Julie Watson View Presentation 13
  7. VLEs and meeting student expectations Maria Tannant

15.30 – 16.00 Break16.00– 16.45 Parallel Session 3

  1. Telling stories through Web 2.0   Nicholas Fernando and Janet Cole View Presentation 15
  2. Supporting research students to prepare for their viva – a new online tool Peter Hartley and Gina Wisker
  3. Developing reflective practice with lecture capture? Juliet Hinrichsen
  4. Innovating real time assessment for stimulating business reality: a radical change in assessment using technology to drive the experience Anni Hollings and Paul Dobson
  5. Using podcasts to enhance student learning and support Karen Strickland and Colin Gray View Presentation 19 [WEBLINK=1]Episode-5-an-outside-broadcast-from-the-seda-conference[/WEBLINK]
  6. Introducing assessed multi-format e-coursework on undergraduate degree programmes Bridget Middlemas Middlemas – chart Middlemas – booklet View Presentation 20
  7. Getting started: using technology to enhance student transition into university Sue Watling and Andy Hagyard View Presentation 21

17.00 -18.00 Reading group & Poster session

Posters:a. Engaging staff with use of GradeMark for enhanced student learning Joelle Adams and Roberts Anderson, Bath Spa University Adams and Anderson poster b. Integrating recorded ‘talk through’ feedback on written assignments using Jing Felicity Harper, Hannelore Green and María Fernandez, The Open Universityc. Developing staff and student digital literacy skills to live, work and thrive in a digital world Helen Howard, University of Leedsd.Using ePortfolio to engage staff as students in their own learning development Ruth Lawton, Birmingham City Universitye. Seeing the unseen: Using real-time data to measure online collaboration Sue Lee and Ben Scoble, Staffordshire Universityf. Switching staff on to audio feedback Peter Lumsden, University of Central Lancashireg. Practitioners as university teachers: building communities of practice through accreditation Jane Roberts, The Open Universityh. Enhancing language proficiency in an online forum in EAP courses: a Malaysian experience Roziana Rosli, International Islamic University Malaysiai.Using storyboarding as a planning tool for blended learning course development Dianne Thurab-Nkhosi, The University of the West Indiesj. Using a virtual learning environment to provide prompt and personalised support for students learning introductory programming Quan Dang, Tingkai Wang, Peiyuan Pan, Peter Chalk and Ken Fisher, London Metropolitan Universityk. LibTeach: using a VLE organisation as a community space to support development of a community of practice of library teachers Rebecca Dearden and Rachel Myers, University of Leeds 

l. Online assessment feedback: the benefits and challenges of providing online student feedback  Angela Green, Leeds Metropolitan University

m. Bridging the gap between good pedagogic practice and effective use of new technologies: evaluating a learning design approach  Rebecca Galley and Simon Cross, The Open University; Maria Papaefthimiou, University of Reading; Natalie Parnis, Brunel University

n. Developing e-learning practice: ‘horizontal’ vs ‘vertical’ strategies  Geraldine Jones and Rachael Carkett, University of Bath

o. Towards flying solo – eteachng practice + online peer observation to engage staff in teaching/supporting learning online  Shirley Bennett and Lyz Howard, University of Hull

p.  Aligning virtual learning environments with international students needs  Sarah Clark, Nottingham Trent University

q.  Why, why, why, Delila?  Catherine Robertson, University of Birmingham and Elizabeth Cleaver, Newman University College19.30 Drinks reception20.30 DinnerDay Two: Friday 18th November08.15 – 09.00 Breakfast session for people new to SEDA – come and find out more about the organisation 09.15 – 09.30 Welcome Day 209.30 – 10.15 Keynote address: Supporting risk-taking cultures in teachers and learners – lessons learnt Julie Hughes, University of Wolverhampton10.15 – 10.45 Break10.45 – 11.30 Parallel Session 4

  2. Tales from the digital classroom: engaging staff with digital stories to enhance learning and teaching Jak Radice and Maureen Readle View Presentation 23
  3. Developing pedagogy and practice: supporting and assessing sports coaching students with electronic technologies Angus Ryrie, Simon Roberts and Matthews Reeves
  4. Using social media to develop your own professional learning network Sue Beckingham and David Walker  View Presentation 25
  5. Transforming abstract/theoretical concepts into video format in order to enhance learning and teaching Marika Jones and Nick Birch View Presentation 26
  6. How best to evaluate the effectiveness of a VLE Chris Rowell View Presentation 27

11.30 – 12.15 Parallel Session 5

  1. From institutional policy to individual practice: using learning technologies to develop and assess essential learning skills Sarra Powell View Presentation 28
  2. Developing an online collaborative PG Cert TLHE Louisa Sheward and Lesley Hamilton View Presentation 29
  3. ‘Being together’: creating social presence in short online courses for academic staff development Elaine Mowat
  4. ‘How we live now’: students’ attitudes to technology and learning Neil Witt and Helen Beetham
  5. Training Open University associate lecturers to use Elluminate for tutorials Annie Eardley and Elke St John View Presentation 32

12.15 – 13.15 Lunch13.15 – 14.00 Parallel Session 6

  1. E-portfolios for learning Chrissi Nerantzi and Neil Currant
  3. The extended project qualification (EPQ) – opportunities for developing e-learning solutions for effective transition Henriette Harnisch and Lou Taylor-Murison
  4. Using technology to enhance student engagement with feedback Stuart Hepplestone and Helen Parkin View Presentation 37
  5. CloudEngine: creating networks for professional development and research Nick Freear and Rebecca Galley [WEBLINK=3]View Freear/Galley presentation[/WEBLINK]
  6. Teaching and learning within and beyond the classroom setting: technology enhanced or technology transformed? John Jessel

14.15 – 15.15 Closing Keynote: Fables and fairy tales – how can technology really enhance learning?   Susannah Quinsee, City University London15.15 – 15.30 Summing up and close15.30 – 15.45 Tea and Depart